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2014年1月27日 星期一

Chinese Turnip cake 大根蘿蔔糕


可以做一底(底15cm 直徑,面20cm直徑,高7.5cm)
加一個普通的長方形焗盤 (16cm x 7cm x 6cm)

  • 大根蘿蔔 2.5斤/ 1500g 
  • 粘米粉 166g 
  • 馬蹄粉 84g 
  • 臘腸 2 條
  • 蝦米 15-20粒
  • 冬菇 4-6 粒
  • 瑤柱 適量
  • 水 225ml (來自浸冬菇水及大根自身的水)
  • 糖 1茶匙
  • 鹽 適量
  • 古月粉 適量

1. 首先將蝦米及冬菇浸軟切粒,保留水煮蘿蔔。臘腸及瑤柱隔熱水蒸軟,臘腸切粒,瑤柱撕成碎。
2. 大根一半刨成絲,另一半切粗條,大概半條手指尾的粗度。


3. 開火,燒紅鑊下油,將蝦米,冬菇,臘腸及瑤柱爆香,炒至材料令身備用。
4. 不需要洗鑊,將所有大根連水下鑊,加入150ml 的冬菇水,再加入一茶匙的糖,鹽及古月粉,要試味去配合自己的口味,煮至大根軟身及轉透明即可。
5. 將鍋內的水全部取出,因爲煮蘿蔔時會出水,所以即使加了150ml 的水,仍會比之前的份量多。取出的水要225ml ,有多的不要,可以留來煮其他菜,不夠的話可以再加多少少浸冬菇水。

6. 將蘿蔔水加入粘米粉及馬蹄粉開至無粉粒的糊狀,可以用隔篩以確保粉漿無粉粒。
7. 再開慢火,加入粉漿,炒至粉漿跟蘿蔔充分混合及收乾水就可以熄火。
8. 倒入抺有少許油的盆內,輕輕壓平表面。
9. 大火隔熱水蒸約1小時,如果插入牙籤而沒有任何東西黏住就可以。

Mold size:
1 round mold with base diameter 15cm, top diameter 20cm and height 7.5cm  and
1 rectangular mold with 16cm L x 7cm W x 6cm H

  • Japanese turnip 1500g (you could replace by chinese turnip)  
  • Rice cake flour 166g 
  • Water chestnut flour 84g 
  • Chinese sausage 2 
  • Dried shrimps 15-20 
  • Dried mushroom 4-6 
  • Dried scallop little
  • Water 225ml (from the turnip and the water for soaking the mushrooms)
  • Sugar 1 teaspoon
  • Salt  little
  • White pepper little
1. Firstly, you have to use hot water to soak the dried shrimp and mushrooms so that they become soft to use and then cut them into small pieces. Don't pour away the water! Steam the Chinese sausage and scallop to soft and cut them into small pieces as well. 
2. Peel and grate the turnip, half of them are grated into thinner slices and the other half are grated into thicker slices. Thicker slices are about half of the little finger.  
3. Turn on the fire, heat up with some oil, put the dried shrimps, mushrooms, sausage and scallop into the wok and stir fire until you can smell the aroma and the ingredients looks glossy.
4. Do not clean the wok and put all the turnip into it add 150ml mushroom water and 1 teaspoon of sugar, some salt and white pepper. You have to try to optimize your own flavor. Cook until the turnip turns transparent. 
5. Take all the water out from the turnip. Although only 150ml mushroom water is added, turnip will release some more water when you cook and so we will have more than 150ml water. Total we need 225ml. If you have extra then you could use that for cooking and if it is not enough, then you add some more water from the water you soak mushrooms before. 
6. Add 225ml water to the two flour and mix until smooth.
7. Turn slow heat, add the mixture and mix well with the turnip. You can turn off the heat when it is well combined and it is not watery. 
8. Put it into a lightly oiled mold and smooth the surface. 
9. Steam for around 1 hour. 

