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2014年1月18日 星期六

Honey Cake 蜂蜜蛋糕



今次做了一個8 "x 4"x 8cm 高的木架
如要加減份量,可以以一隻蛋做單位,例如做3 隻蛋份量就除2再乘3。

  • 蛋黃 2 隻
  • 蛋白 2 隻
  • 砂糖 26g
  • 砂糖 40g
  • 蜂蜜 18ml
  • 低筋麵粉 27g
  • 高筋麵粉 27g
  • 牛油 18g
  • 味醂 15ml (一種常用日本的調味料,可以在大型超級市場找到,平日煮菜也當放,例如做照燒雞扒)

1. 隔水加熱蜂蜜約40度。
2. 蛋黃加26g砂糖打發,慢慢加入蜂蜜,一直打發至淺黃色及出現紋路,可以用攪拌器寫"8"字的方法測驗,如果可以維持約2秒才消失就可以。
3. 加入味醂混合。
4. 低筋麵粉及高筋麵粉過篩,分兩次加入蛋黃糊中,用刮刀輕力拌勻。
5. 蛋白打發至起泡,砂糖分三次加入,一直打發至濕性泡發,即是蛋白霜的尾部向下垂。
6. 蛋白霜分三次加入蛋黃糊中。
7. 同時間,加熱牛油約80度。
8. 牛油分兩次加入至麵糊中輕力拌勻。
9. 倒入模中,放入已預熱175度的焗爐焗45分鐘,再轉150度焗15分鐘。(因爲我用的是木架所以焗的時間較長,如果你用其他的焗模例如鋁模等可以縮短至30分時間,金黃色後轉150度)。

I did a 8 "x 4"x 8cm height wooden mold.
If you need to adjust, you can use one egg as the base, for example, if you want to do 3 eggs, then you could divide by 2 and times 3. 


  • Egg yolk 2 
  • Egg white 2 
  • Sugar 26g
  • Sugar 40g
  • Honey 18ml
  • Cake flour 27g
  • Bread flour 27g
  • Butter 18g
  • Mirin 15ml( a very common Japanese seasoning sauce ,you could buy in large supermarket,you can put it into savory dishes like chicken teriyaki)
1. Heat the honey in bain marie to around 40 degree. 
2. Add 26g sugar to egg yolk and beat, add honey slowing and continue to beat until it becomes thicken and light yellow color and ribbon stage. You could test by writing "8", if it could last for 2 second, then it should be ok.  
3. Add mirin and mix。
4. Sift the cake flour and bread flour, add to the egg yolk mixture by twice, fold in the flour to the mixture gently until incorporated. 
5. Whisk the egg white to bubble stage, add sugar by three times, beat until soft peak. 
6. Add 1/3 of the meringue to the mixture and mix and combine the rest by two times, combine them gently.
7. Heat butter in bain marie to around 80 degree at the same time.
8. Add butter by two times to the mixure and mix. 
9. Pour it into the mold, put it into the preheated 175 degree oven for 45 minutes and turn to 150 degree for 15 minutes. 

