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2014年1月5日 星期日

Passionfruit and banana souffle 熱情果香蕉梳乎厘

廚神Gordon Ramsay 話到souffle 是no.1 的showoff 甜品,尤其是在假日的親朋戚友的私房飯焗上,不過這個show off 只有數分鐘的曇花一現,還是趁熱快快享用較好。

可以做5 杯 (杯底直徑2.5吋)
可以直接看Gordon Ramsay 的youtube

  • 熱情果茸 50ml
  • 香蕉 50g (約半條)
  • 牛奶 75ml
  • 忌廉 50ml
  • 砂糖 70g (一半蛋白用,一半蛋黃用,再加適量砂糖掃在模身)
  • 蛋黃 30g
  • 麵粉 7g
  • 粟粉 7g
  • 蛋白 70g
  • 室温牛油 適量

1. 先將牛奶及忌廉煮熱。
2. 砂糖加入蛋黃用打蛋器打發至淺黃色,加入已篩過的麵粉及粟粉攪混。
3. 加入兩至三湯匙的熱牛奶忌廉入2拌混,再慢慢加入其餘的熱牛奶忌廉,再放入小鍋中煮至稠身custard ,其間要不停用木棍或打蛋器攪混。

4. 熱情果茸加入香蕉用攪拌機打至奶昔狀,加入3拌混。
5.牛温用掃塗在模內,由杯底掃上杯頂,四周掃混,令杯身內隠約看見一條條直身的牛油痕跡,可以令souffle 上升得更高,再加入砂糖粒,轉杯身令砂糖鋪滿在牛油上,將多餘的砂糖倒在下一個模內,放入雪櫃雪5分鐘令牛油凝固。

7.. 先將三分一的蛋白霜加入熱情果香蕉custard ,大力攪混,再分兩次加入蛋白霜,輕力用刮刀拌混。
8. 先倒一半在模入,在布上敲杯令custard 糊平均流到杯的每一個角再,再倒入另一半,最後用刀平刮平杯頂,可以令焗完的效果表面平滑。用手指公沿邊刮custard 糊一圈,可以令souffle 在焗的途中不會黏住模邊影響上升。
9. 放入預熱180度的焗爐焗10-13分鐘。
10. 要趁熱享用!


  • Passion Fruit Puree 50ml 
  • Banana 50g (half of the banana) 
  • Milk 75ml 
  • Cream 50ml 
  • Sugar 70g (half for egg white and half for egg yolk plus extra sugar for the mold) 
  • Egg yolk 30g 
  • Cake flour 7g 
  • Cornstarch 7g 
  • Egg white 70g 
  • Room temperature butter little 

1. Bring the milk and cream to boil in a saucepan.
2. Whisk the sugar and egg yolks together until pale yellow colour, add the sifted cake flour and cornstarch to the egg yolk mixture. 
3. Add two to three tablespoons of hot cream and milk mixture into 2. and mix, then slowly add the remaining hot cream and milk mixture and whisk, pour everything back to the saucepan and cook until it thickens like custard form, keep stirring with a whisk or wooden spoon during heating. 
4. Mix banana and passion fruit puree together in liquidizer until it becomes smooth like milkshake and then add to 3. 
5. Butter the ramekins properly, brush from the bottom to the top of the ramekins and you could see vertical butter strokes inside the ramekins and this could help the soufflé to rise during baking. Next, spoon the sugar into the first ramekin and turn it around so that the sugar stick and cover the butter. Pour any excess sugar into the next mould until you finish all. Chill the moulds into the refrigerator for 5 minutes to solidify the butter. 6. Whisk the egg white and add sugar (divided into 3 batches) until it is thick, shinny and fluffy. 
7. Add one third of the meringue to the passion fruit banana custard, mix vigorously, and then add the rest of the meringue, mix gently mix with a spatula. 
8. Pour half of the mixture into the mould, and then tap on the work surface to get rid of any air bubbles and make sure all the mixture flow into every corner of the mould, then pour the other half until ramekin is full. Use the blade of the knife to flatten the surface of the ramekin so that you will have a very flat top soufflé. Finally, use your finger to run around the edge of the mould to prevent the soufflé to stick to the ramekin when it rises. Put the soufflés into a preheated 180-degree oven for 10-13 minutes.

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