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2014年1月8日 星期三

Pâte à choux 吉士泡芙



可以做6-7個約5cm 的泡芙

  • 水 50ml
  • 室温牛油 23g
  • 高筋麵粉 30g
  • 雞蛋 1隻 (另外要少少蛋液掃在泡芙上)

  • 牛奶 125ml
  • vanilla extract  1/2 teaspoon
  • 蛋黃 1.5個
  • 砂糖 37g
  • 低筋麵粉 12g

3.將麵團放在另一個大碗中待涼約5-10分鐘,如果太熱會令蛋液煮熟,一邊加蛋液一路攪拌, (我覺得用木棍攪就可以),加至大半隻蛋時要檢查麵團,如果麵糊流下時呈現倒三角的條就可以,如果太硬就可以再加少少蛋液攪拌再檢查,不要一次過全加,因爲太稀就不能成形。
4.入擠袋,在牛油紙上擠出泡芙,每個約5cm 直徑。 每個泡芙掃上少少蛋液作保濕作用,但掃太多就會影響膨漲,又或者用少許水都可以。


1. 在鍋內放入牛奶,vanilla extract 及少量砂糖(牛奶10%重量),煮滾後離火。
2. 打散蛋黃,加入砂糖混合。
3. 加入過篩的低筋麵粉混合,直至沒有粉粒。
4. 先加入一半的熱牛奶攪混,加入餘下另一半再混合。
5. 過篩,在鍋內再次加熱,中途要用木棍不停搞,直至稠身custard 狀,熄火。
6. 倒入碗中,蓋上保鮮紙,保鮮紙要貼住custard 防止表面結皮,放入雪櫃。


Pâte à choux

  • water 50ml 
  • room temperature butter 23g
  • bread flour 30g 
  • egg 1 (plus extra for brushing the puff)

  • milk 125ml
  • vanilla extract  1/2 teaspoon
  • egg yolk 1.5個
  • sugar 37g
  • cake flour 12g


Pâte à choux
1. Heat the water and butter in a saucepan to boil.
2. Remove from heat, add sifted flour and stir. Heat it again until it forms like a dough and it does not stick to the saucepan. Keep stiring with a wooden spoon and it takes around 1-2 mins.
3. Put the dough in another bowl and let it cool for 5-10 minutes because the egg will be cooked if it is too hot. Add egg slowly and mix until incorperated. You have to check when you added around 3/4 egg, if the mixture goes down and forms like a triangle, then it is fine. If it is too hard, then add more egg. Do not add all the egg at one time otherwise the mixture will be too soft and cannot form a good sharp.
4. Put the mixture in a pipping bag and pipe a ball with around 5cm diameter. Bursh little egg on each puff to moisturize them but dont bursh too much otherwise it will affact the rising. You could also use water instead.
5. Put it into a preheated 180 degree oven for 27-33 mintues. 


1. Heat the milk, vanilla and a little sugar (10% of the milk ) to boil and remove it from heat.
2.Whisk the egg yolk, add sugar and mix.
3.Add sifted cake flour into egg yolk mixture until incorporated.
4.Add half of the hot milk into egg yolk mixture and mix, and then add the rest and continue to mix.
5.Use a sieve to filter the mixture and pour in back into the saucepan and heat, keep stirring with a wooden spoon until it thickens like custard and remove it from heat.
6.Pour into a bowl and cover it with plastic cling. The plastic cling needs to stick to custard directly to prevent it from forming skin. Put it into refrigerator.

5 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. the one you present here is choux à la crème, no doubt about it

  2. 如果用低筋麵粉整20-25隻,份量係幾多?

  3. 請問用低筋同高筋麵粉整泡芙有什麼分別?thanks
