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2014年2月9日 星期日

Palmiers 蝴蝶酥


18 件
  • 急凍酥皮 24 x 24cm (超級市場有售,Pampas puff pastry 就是這個size)  或自製酥皮 (放軟解凍至可以摺)
  • 砂糖 4 湯匙
  • 牛油 適量

1. 將一半的砂糖平均撒在酥皮上,再反轉,用匙輕輕壓平,將另一半的砂糖再平均撒在酥皮上。
2. 兩邊向內摺1/4,再向內摺,中間留少許空隙約0.3-0.5cm ,再對摺,用保鮮紙或酥皮原先附有的膠紙包好,放雪櫃雪15分鐘。
3. 牛油隔熱水煮溶。
4. 從雪櫃取出麵團,切件,每件約1-1.5 cm 濶。
5. 每件的頂部稍稍分開,兩邊掃上牛油液,入焗爐200度焗約20分鐘,最後的5-8分鐘反面焗令兩邊都現金黃色。 

18 pieces
  • Puff pastry 24 x 24cm or use your own  (take out from the fridge until it is soft to use)
  • Sugar 4 tablespoons
  • Butter little
1. Spread half of the sugar on the pastry and turn upside down and use a spoon to press gently so that the sugar is stick to the pastry. Spread another half of the sugar on the other side.
2. Fold 1/4 inside, and then fold another 1/4, leave a small gap in the middle and fold together. Cover with plastic cling and chill in the fridge for 15 minutes so that the pastry can stick together. 
3. Melt the butter in bain marie. 
4. Take the pastry from the fridge and cut into 1-1.5cm width pieces. 
5. Each palmier top should be open like those in the picture. Brush the both side of the palmiers with butter. Put into a preheated 200 degree oven for 20 minutes. In the last 5-8 minutes, turn the palmiers upside down so the both sides are golden brown in colour.  

