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2014年2月17日 星期一

Banana and Mango Mille feuille 香蕉芒果千層酥


材料: 8 件

  • 香蕉 36g
  • 芒果蓉 56g
  • 熱情果蓉 7g (大約1個熱情果的汁)
  • 砂糖 8g
  • 魚膠片 3g
  • 淡忌廉 76g


1. 酥皮用叉子刺小洞,一塊酥皮可以切12塊,或可以按自己喜歡的大小,蓋上牛油紙,在另一個焗盤壓住可以令酥皮不會升得太高而且表面平滑,放入預熱200度的焗爐焗20分鐘。
2. 取出,平均地用篩上糖粉。將焗爐放焗爐頂層以250度焗約2-3分鐘至表面焦糖色。


1. 芒果蓉,熱情果蓉及香蕉用攪拌至蓉及混合。
2. 魚膠片用凍水浸軟。
3. 果蓉加入砂糖及澀乾魚膠片煮至砂糖及魚膠片溶,待涼雪櫃雪30分鐘。
4. 打起淡忌廉。
5. 混合果蓉及淡忌廉。


1. 將果蓉忌廉入唧袋,唧在千層酥上,再叠上一塊餅如上圖。

Ingredients: 8 pieces

Banana mango cream
  • Banana 36g
  • Mango puree 56g
  • Passion fruit juice  7g (around 1 passion fruit)
  • Sugar 8g
  • Gelatine 3g
  • Cream 76g
Puff Pastry direction

1. Use a frok to make some holes on the puff pastry. Each pastry can cut into 12 pieces or any size you like. Cover the peices with parchment paper. Put another baking tray on top of the parchment paper so that the pastry will not rise too much. Put it into a preheated 200 degree oven for 20 mintues.
2. Take it out, sift icing sugar evenly on the pastry. Put it back into the oven and bake with 250 degree for around 2-3 minutes until it looks like caramel color.

Banana mango cream direction

1. Mix all mango puree, passion fruit juice and banana into a mixer until everything is blended.
2. Soak gelatine into the ice water until it is soft.
3. Add sugar and dried gelatine to the fruit puree and heat until everything is dissolved. Let it cool until and chill in the fridge for 30 mintues.
4. Beat the cream until firm peak.
5. Mix the fruit puree and the cream.


1. Pipe the cream on the pastry like the one in the picture above.

