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2014年2月15日 星期六

Scone 英式鬆餅


材料: 可以做6-8個 (取出小山進的好吃的西點蛋糕祕訣)

  • 低筋麵粉 160g
  • 泡打粉 4g
  • 奶粉 10g
  • 牛油 65g
  • 淡忌廉 10ml
  • 黃糖或黑糖 16g (如果沒有就用砂糖)
  • 砂糖 16g
  • 蛋 1 隻
  • 牛奶 10ml
  • 鹽 1.5g
  • vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon 
  • 提子乾 40g
  • 蛋液 少許

1. 筋麵粉過篩,加入泡打粉及奶粉混合。
2. 牛油從雪櫃取出切粒。
3. 用手指尖將牛油粒及粉類捽碎至麵包糠狀,動作要快,因爲牛油很快溶,尤其是夏天。
4. 將其餘所有材料加入,快速搓成一團,可以用手或者括刀,但不要過度搓壓。

5. 用保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃雪15-20分鐘。
6. 加少許麵粉在工作枱及麵團上,用木棍壓成約2cm厚,用圓形的工具幫忙(水杯也可以)壓成一個一個圓餅。
7. 沾上蛋液,放入預熱175度焗爐焗15-20分鐘。

Ingredients: 6-8 pieces (from the book of 小山進的好吃的西點蛋糕祕訣)

I have amended the recipe and direction a little bit
  • Cake flour 160g
  • Baking powder 4g
  • Milk powder 10g
  • Butter 65g
  • Cream 10ml
  • Brown sugar 16g (If you do not have brown sugar, just replace with sugar)
  • Sugar 16g
  • Egg 1 隻
  • Milk 10ml
  • Salt 1.5g
  • vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon 
  • Raisin 40g
  • Egg little
1.  Sifted cake flour and add baking and milk powder and mix.
2. Take out the butter from the fridge and cut the butter into cubes.
3. Use your finger tips to rub the butter cubes and flour until it looks like crumbles. Need to be quick on this step otherwise the butter will melt especially in summer.
4. Add all the remaining ingredients and rub into a dough. You could use your hands or use a spatula but do not over rub / mix the dough like a bread.
5. Cover with plastic cling and chill in the fridge for 15-20 minutes.
6. Add a bit flour on your work surface and the dough, use rolling pin to roll the dough to around 2cm thick. Cut a circle  with a anything which is circle in shape e.g. a glass.
7. Brush some egg on the scone and put it into a preheated 175 oven for 15-20 minutes.

