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2014年2月13日 星期四

Sweet potato rose bun 紫薯玫瑰卷


材料: 20個包子
  • 紫薯 150g
  • 水/ 牛奶 80g
  • 蜜糖 10g
  • 速發酵母 3g
  • 中筋麵粉 300g (可以用一半高筋一半低筋麵粉)
  • 砂糖 20g (因爲這個爲饅頭,所以甜度不高,如果想較甜可以放多少少砂糖)

1. 紫薯切粒蒸熟。

2. 速發酵母加水及砂糖混合。

3. 中筋麵粉加入蜜糖,紫薯,中筋麵粉及一半的水搓。由於每個紫薯的水份也不一樣,80g是我這次的水量。如果加了一半水覺得乾才加水,如果80g 水用完加不夠先再加水,要慢慢加。搓至一個光滑而柔軟的麵團。

4. 表面噴少許水或用濕布蓋住發酵至2倍大。夏天做的時候可以在室温發酵,冬天時就將麵團放入微波爐或者焗爐加一杯熱水發酵,要1-2小時。

5. 將麵壓平,壓出空氣,分8份,先取出一條搓成10cm 長的長條,其餘的用濕毛巾蓋住。

6. 將長條分大約5份,每一份壓平爲一個圓形,個人覺得不需要太大,大約5-6cm 直徑可以。每塊沾上少少麵粉以防花瓣間黏住令造型不明顯。5塊由下而上叠起。上而下都可以但造型有少許不一樣。

7. 用筷子向中間壓,一邊轉麵團一路壓至分開兩朵花。用筷子壓的好處是可以令花的底部收口更好。

8. 將其餘的麵團按以上方法再做成玫瑰花。

9. 蒸底部掃少少油又或者鋪牛油紙防黏底,用一塊毛巾蓋住以防倒汗水,開大火蒸15分鐘。

Ingredients: for 20
  • Purple sweet potato 150g
  • Water/milk 80g
  • Honey 10g
  • Instant yeast 3g
  • All purpose flour 300g
  • Sugar 20g (The sweetness of this chinese bun is used to be rather low but you could add more sugar if you want more sweetness.)
1. Cut the sweet potato into peices and steam until it is cooked.

2. Mix instant yeast with water and sugar.

3. Add honey, sweet potato, and half of the water into the flour and rub until it forms a soft dough. Since the water content in each sweet potato is different, you have to add water slowly and rub to get your optimal water needed. I used 80g water this time.

4. Spread some water on the dough surface or cover it with a wet towel. If you do it in summer, you could let it raise in the room temperature. However, you have to put this into a microwave or oven with a cup of hot water to frementate until it double in size. It takes around 1-2 hours.

5. Flatten the dough and relase the air inside. Cut it into 8 pieces. Take one out and roll it until it is around 10cm long. Cover the rest with a wet towel.

6. Cut the roll into 5 peices and each flatten into a 5-6 cm diamemter circle. Spread some flour on each circle so that it will not stick to each other when u roll it. Five circles roll from the bottom to the top. You can do the opposite if you like and the shape will be a bit different.

7. Use a chopstick to press in the middle, use one hand to roll the dough and the other hand to press until it separates into two halves. The bottom part of the rose bun will look prettier if you use a chopstick rather than a knife.

8. Repeat the above steps for the rest of the doughs.

9. Brush little oil on the steam mould or you put parchment paper inside to prvent the bun stick to the mould. Cover it with a towel to prevent the steam drop to the rose bun and affact the appearance. Steam for 15 minutes with high heat.

