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2014年2月12日 星期三

Mocha meltesers glutinous rice balls Mocha 麥提沙糯米糍


材料: (可以做10個)

  • 糯米粉 75g
  • 砂糖 30g
  • 無糖可可粉 2茶匙
  • 咖啡粉 1茶匙 (可以用其他你喜歡的粉,例如全用綠茶粉,好立克粉,阿華田粉代替,但如果即冲飲品本身有糖粉,砂糖可能要相應減少一點)
  • 牛奶 100ml
  • 淡忌廉/椰奶 30ml
  • 麥提莎 10粒
  • 椰絲 適量


1. 糯米粉,砂糖,可可粉及咖啡粉混合,慢慢加入牛奶及忌廉,一直攪拌至所有材料沒有粉粒。

2. 倒入碟內,用中火蒸約15分鐘至熟。如果份量做多,要蒸的時間要加長。可以用牙籤測驗,如果插入取出沒有粉粒黏位牙籤就可以。

3. 放涼約15-20分鐘。將麵團放入保鮮袋中搓幾下成一團,不會黏袋。

4. 每粒大約18g,戴手套,將每粒壓平加入一粒麥提莎,搓成一粒圓形。個人覺得不需要太圓,如果你很堅持想要搓得很圓,可以用紙巾抺一點點油在手套上,令糯米團可以搓得更圓。

5. 沾上椰絲。除非天氣太熱,否則可以放室温。

Ingredietns: (for 10 balls)

  • Glutinous rice flour 75g
  • Sugar 30g
  • Coco powder 2 teaspoon
  • coffee powder 1 teaspoon (You could use your favourite powder, e.g. you can all use green tea, holick or even ovaltine powder. If the powder itself contains sugar, you may need to reduce the sugar as needed.)
  • Milk 100ml
  • Cream/coconut milk 30ml
  • Meltesers 10
  • Shredded coconut little

1. Mix glutinous rice flour, sugar, coco and coffee powder, add milk and cream slowly and incorperate until well combined.

2. Pour into the plate and steam for 15 minutes. If you do a bigger portion and you need to incream the steaming time. You could test by a toothpick. Put the toothpick inside the mixture and take it out. If there is nothing sticked to the toothpick, it is cooked.

3. Cool down for 15-20 mintues. Put the mixture into a plastic bag and rub a few times into a dough.

4. Each ball will be around 18g. Wear plastic hand gloves, press each ball to a flat circle and put a meleser in the middle and rub it into a ball. Personally, I think it doesn't need to be too round but you could use a tissue paper to spread little oil on your plastic hand gloves and rub and you would get a perfect ball.

5. Cover it with shredded coconut. Unless it is too hot, otherwise you don't have to put into the fridge.

