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2014年3月11日 星期二

Begal 貝果

吃厭了方包? 可以用貝果代替普通麵包做早餐,加果醬,creamcheese 更加美味!




  • 高筋麵粉 150g
  • 砂糖 8g
  • 鹽 3g
  • 牛油 3g
  • 速發酵母 1.5g
  • 水 84ml
  • 提子乾 適量

1. 除鹽及牛油外,將所有材料放進大盆中,用手攪成麵團狀。
2. 加入鹽再混合搓揉(避免鹽跟速發酵母直接觸)。
3. 加入牛油粒再搓揉。

4. 將麵團放在工作枱上用手掌肉推出去壓的方式不斷搓揉直至麵團變得光滑,大約10分鐘。
5. 取下一塊麵團,如果出現薄膜就可以。
6. 加入提子乾滾圓麵團,放入輕抺牛油/油的盒中發酵半小時。(可參考這篇如何發酵)

7. 取出麵團,用手拍輕壓走麵團中的空氣。
8. 分3分,每一份各自滾圓,用濕布蓋住麵團鬆筋15分鐘。

9. 用木棍壓平麵團,從上面摺一半,下面再向上摺一半,用手掌肉將上半部分向下半部分壓下去令兩邊對摺,再用雙手搓成長條。如圖,一邊稍尖,另一邊壓扁。用扁的一邊包住尖的另一邊,再翻轉貝果,另一邊要將口封好,同時間可以準備煮一鍋水。

9. 水煮至鍋底冒出小泡後轉小火,將貝果放在水內,每邊煮約30秒後取出瀝乾後放在鋪上牛油紙的焗盤上。
11. 在温室發酵1小時。
12. 放入預熱220度的焗爐焗15分鐘。


Ingredients :
  • Bread flour 150g
  • Sugar 8g
  • Salt 3g
  • Butter 3g
  • Instant yeast 1.5g
  • Water 84ml
  • Dried raisin little
1. Except salt and butter, put all ingredients into a bowl and use hand to rub into a dough.
2. Add salt and mix with the dough. (to prevent direct contact of salt and yeast)
3. Add butter and mix with the dough.
4. Put the dough on your working surface. Use the muscle below your thumb to press the dough out and keep doing this until the dough becomes soft and smooth. It takes around 10 minutes.
5. Take a piece of dough to test. If it can form a thin sheet, then it is ok.
6. Add dried raisin and roll the dough into a ball, and put it into a lightly buttered bowl or box and proof for around 30 mintues. (Refer to this page on how to proof)
7. Take out the dough,  use your hand to flatten the dough so that the big air bubbles inside could be released.
8. Divide into 3 portions and rub the doughs into ball shapes. Cover them with wet towel and rest for 15 minutes.
9. Flat the dough with rolling pin, fold half from the top and half from the bottom. Use the muscle below the thumb to press the upper part to the lower part so that they fold together. Use hands to roll the dough like the pictures with two different ends. Link them together and turn around and seal the edges. While you are sharping the begal, prepare a pot of hot water.
9. Turn to lower heat when the small bubbles form in the water, put the begals into the pot and cook each side around 30 seconds. And then put the dough onto a tray with parchment paper.
11. Proof for 1 hour.
12. Put into a preheated 220 degree oven for 15 minutes.

