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2014年3月19日 星期三

Green tea cake roll 綠茶卷


30 x 24 cm 烤盤




蛋黃 96g
砂糖 12g
蜂蜜 24ml
綠茶粉 6g
低筋麵粉 50g
蛋白 128g
砂糖 52g
牛油 12g
牛奶 28ml

綠茶粉 5g
忌廉 120ml
砂糖 8g



  1. 將蛋黃及12g砂糖混合,加入已加熱至40度的蜂蜜,打發至淺黃色。可以插一枝牙籤測試,如果可以挺立就OK。
  2. 將蛋白打發起泡,52g砂糖分三次加入,繼續打發至蛋白霜尾部下垂。
  3. 將一半的蛋白霜加入蛋黃糊中輕輕拌勻,再加入過篩的低筋麵粉,再將剩下的蛋白霜加入輕力混合。
  4. 綠茶粉加入牛奶混合,牛奶及牛油隔熱水加熱約80度。
  5. 加入綠茶牛奶及牛油拌勻。
  6. 倒入鋪上牛油紙的焗盤上,放入預熱180度的焗爐焗13分鐘。
  7. 取出,連同焗模一起在枱上放手一敲(離熱枱20cm 左右),撞出熱氣,連牛油紙取出蛋糕在涼架上放涼,撕去四邊的牛油紙。
  8. 待涼後,在蛋糕上蓋另一塊牛油紙,雙手拿住兩張牛油紙的頂部,反手反轉蛋糕,將底部的牛油紙撕去。
  1. 綠茶過篩,加入砂糖至忌廉打發。
  1. 先將忌廉在蛋糕上,其中一邊留約3cm 的空位作爲蛋糕的尾部。
  2. 用木棍的幫助下如捲壽司一樣捲起蛋糕。
  3. 放雪櫃一小時後享用。

Green tea cake roll 

egg yolk 96g
sugar 12g
honey 24ml
green tea powder 6g
cake flour 56g
egg white 128g
sugar 52g
butter 12g
milk 28ml

Green tea cream 

green tea powder 5g
cream 120ml
sugar 8g


Green tea cake roll
  1. Mix egg yolk with 12g of sugar and whisk, add preheated to 40 degree honey slowly and continue to whisk until it becomes pale color. You could use a toothpick to test, it should be able to stand in the mixture. 
  2. Whisk egg white to bubble stage and then add 52g sugar (divided it into three times to add), whisk until soft peak stage and fluffy. 
  3. Add half of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture and fold in, and then add sifted cake flour and fold in until they are incorporated, next, add the remaining meringue and mix until incorporated. 
  4. Add green tea powder to the milk and mix. Heat up the green tea milk and butter to around 80 degree by bain marie method. 
  5. Add green tea milk and butter to the mixture and mix.
  6. Pour into the baking tray(with baking sheet), and put it into a preheated 180 degree oven for 13 minutes. 
  7. Take out the cake roll and tap the baking tray onto your working desk (above 20cm of your desk height) so that it could release the heat inside the cake roll. Move the cake roll from the baking tray and let it cool. 
  8. Put another baking sheet on top of the cake roll, use both hand to hold both sheets and turn the cake roll upside down so that you can remove the baking sheet originally sticking to the cake roll.
Green tea cream
  1. Sifted green tea powder, add sugar and cream and whisk until firm peak. 
  1. Whip the cream on top of the cake roll, leave around 3 cm width area without any cream at either of the edge of the cake roll and that side will be the end of the cake roll.
  2. With the help of the wooden stick, roll the cake roll like rolling the sushi roll.  
  3. Put it into the refrigerator for 1 hour.

2 則留言:

  1. 請問你用邊隻綠茶粉呢? 謝謝

    1. 我在bakery supplies store 買的,因為一般喝的綠茶顏色較深,沒有那麼好看,可是exactly那種我已經忘了。
