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2014年3月22日 星期六

Raspberry chiffon cake 紅桑莓戚風蛋糕


5.5' 中空模(不要用不沾模)


  • 蛋黃 3個 
  • 植物油 15ml
  • 低筋麵粉 60g (已篩)
  • 砂糖 35g
  • 紅桑莓茸 45g (我用的是急凍的果茸,可以用新鮮的榨汁)
  • 蛋白 3個
  • 砂糖 35g

  1. 蛋黃,砂糖及油用打蛋器混合,不用打發到變白色,只須混合。
  2. 紅桑莓茸及低筋麵粉分兩次交錯加入蛋黃糊中混合 。

  1. 蛋白用電動攪拌器打至出現泡沫,砂糖分兩次加入打發,打至蛋白霜挺立。

  1. 預熱焗爐150度15分鐘。
  2. 將三分一的蛋白霜加入蛋黃麵糊,用輕力攪勻,用打圈再向中間劃的方法混合,再分兩次加入餘下的蛋白霜。
  3. 倒入戚風蛋糕模中,倒至6-7分滿,入焗爐前敲蛋糕模幾下,令麵糊中的較大的氣泡敲出。
  4. 入焗爐焗40 分鐘,出爐後馬上倒扣,待涼約2小時後用手沿著蛋糕模的邊脫模(用手掌肉沿蛋糕邊壓令蛋糕從模分開,內邊同樣重覆,底部向上推,最後只剩下蛋糕底部黏住模,同樣用手掌肉輕壓一圈,就可以成功脫模)。
5.5' chiffon cake mold (Do not use non sticky mold)


Egg yolk mixture
  • egg yolk 3
  • vegetable oil 15ml
  • cake flour 60g (sifted)
  • sugar 35g
  • raspberry puree 45g (I used frozen puree but you could use fresh raspberries instead)
  • egg white 3
  • sugar 35g
Egg yolk mixture directions:
  1. Mix egg yolk, sugar and oil. No need to beat it to fluffy and pale color, just mix and make sure sugar is dissolved.
  2. Add half of the raspberry puree and mix and then add half of the flour to mix again. Repeat the step until the mixture is smooth.  
Meringue directions:
  1. Beat the egg white with an electronic mixer. Add half of the sugar when the egg white forms bubbles and beat, add the rest of the sugar and continue to process until the soft peak is reached.
  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degree for 15 minutes. 
  2. Add one third of the meringue to the egg yolk mixture, fold the mixture gently until they are combined. Repeat the process until everything is well mixed.
  3. Pour it into the cake mold. Tap the mold gently on the working surface so that large bubbles are released.
  4. Bake for 40 minutes. Turn the cake upside down and let it cool around 2 hours. Use hand to remove the cake from the mold.

