材料: (二人份量)
- 細砂糖 3茶匙
- 水 1茶匙
- 蛋 1隻 (約55g)
- 牛奶 兩倍雞蛋重量 (約110g)
- 細砂糖 2湯匙 (28g)
1. 首先煮焦糖,將砂糖和水放入不黏鍋中混合。
2. 開小至中火煮糖,中途不要攪拌,當焦糖變爲啡黃色就成功了,把煮好的焦糖液倒進抺有少許牛油的杯內(塗牛油方便倒出布丁而不黏杯)。
3. 砂糖跟雞蛋用打蛋器混合至沒有砂糖粒,加入牛奶混合,過篩及去除氣泡,再把蛋漿倒在杯內。
4. 將雞蛋布丁用錫紙蓋住依圖隔水用中火蒸40-45分鐘,完成的布丁應該如蒸水蛋般而沒有水狀流動,可以熱食或待涼後放進冰箱冷藏。(錫紙可以防止倒汗水,用木筷子隔開蓋可以令熱空氣流出)
Ingredients: ( for two)
Caramel sauce
- sugar 3 teaspoons
- water 1 teaspoon
- egg 1 (around 55g)
- milk two times of the egg (110g)
- sugar 2 tablespoons (28g)
1. Cook the caramel sauce first, put the sugar and water into a small non sticky pot and mix well.
2. Heat until it turns golden brown color and do not stir when it is heating. Pour the caramel into 2 small lightly buttered cups. (Butter is helped to release the pudding from the cup easier).
3. Mix the sugar with egg until the sugar is dissovled. Add milk and mix. Use a sieve and filter the mixture so that it becomes smooth. Pour it into the cups.
4. Use aluminum cling to cover the cups to ensure a smooth surface. Use a pair of chopstick to separate the wok and the lid to allow hot air to release. Steam for 40-45 minutes and it shouldnt look watery when it is done. You can serve hot or chil in the fridge if you like cold.
*It is very simple to clean the caramel pot, pour some hot water into the pot and let it there for a while. All the caramel will dissolve in the hot water.