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2014年2月27日 星期四

Apple and banana muffin 蘋果香蕉鬆餅

今天去了法國領事館辦簽證,過程比想像快及輕鬆,香港辦學生簽證分兩部分,首先要見留學部的Campus France,但在沒有預備下被要求用法文自我介紹,用僅有的法文oral考試記錄胡混了幾句,職員臨走時跟我說希望我有一個愉快的學習體驗,我想應該過關了。之後到簽證部辦手續,內部守衞森嚴,只有申請者方可進入。有趣的是當我以為這些職員處理無數簽證後已經對這些放棄自身職業追求夢想的人習以爲常,職員對於我職業上的轉變頗爲驚訝。辦好簽證後,基本上所有的準備都七七八八,多等4個月就起行。

  • 蘋果 半個
  • 香蕉 一條
  • 牛油 70g (室温)
  • 黑糖/砂糖 65g
  • 雞蛋 1 個
  • 水/ 牛奶 2 湯匙
  • 低筋麵粉 120g
  • 泡打粉 1 茶匙

1. 將蘋果洗淨,不用去皮,刨成糼絲。香蕉切粒。
2. 將牛油攪拌至柔軟,分兩次加入黑糖,再攪拌至膏狀。
3. 將雞蛋打散,分兩次加入,每次要混合好再加入。
4. 加入牛奶/水混合。
5. 加入蘋果絲混合。
6. 低筋麵粉加入泡打粉混合過篩,分兩次加入,用刮刀拌混直至沒有粉粒,不要過度攪拌,最後加入半條的香蕉粒。
8. 用匙填入muffin 紙模內,用餘下的香蕉粒鋪面。
9. 放入預熱175度的焗爐焗30分鐘。


  • Apple half
  • Banana one
  • Butter 70g (room temperature)
  • Brown sugar/sugar  65g
  • Egg 1 
  • Water/ milk 2 tablespoon
  • Cake flour 120g
  • Baking powder 1 teaspoon
1. Wash the apple and don't have to peel and grate into very thin slices. Banana cut into small cubes
2. Beat the butter until it is soft. Add sugar by two times, mix until it looks creamy. 
3. Beat the egg and add into the butter. Add half first and mix until they are incorporated and add the rest and mix. 
4. Add milk / water and mix. 
5. Add apple slices and stir. 
6. Mix cake flour and baking powder and sift. Add half of the flour into the mixture and mix gently and continue until everything is combined. Add half of the banana cubes and stir. 
8. Use a spoon to put the muffin into the muffin paper mold, add the rest of the banana cubes to the top of the muffin. 
9. Put it into the preheated 175 degree oven for 30 minutes. 

2014年2月23日 星期日

Crunchy Chocolate Raspberry Cakes 紅苺醬朱古力脆脆蛋糕


取自 Talita's Kitchen 

材料: (4件)

朱古力蛋糕 (23cm x 23cm 焗盤)
  • 雞蛋 83g
  • 砂糖 30g
  • 低筋麵粉 23g
  • 可可粉 8g
  • 牛油液 15g 
  • Nutella 10g
  • 66% 可可 6g
  • 脆脆 8g (烘焙店有售)
  • 66% 可可 30g
  • 淡忌廉 22g
  • 魚膠片 1g
  • 打發忌廉 87g
  • 水 50g
  • 淡忌廉 50g
  • 砂糖 45g
  • 可可粉 20g
  • 魚膠片 2g
紅苺餡果醬 適量
杏仁碎 適量


1. 雞蛋加砂糖打發至厚稠,可以插一枝牙籤在蛋糊中間測試,如果牙籤可以企立就OK 。
2. 低筋麵粉加可可粉過篩,分兩次加入蛋糊中間輕手拌勻。
3. 加入牛油液於麵糊中輕手拌勻。
4. 倒在鋪上牛油紙的焗盤,抺平,放入預熱175度的焗爐焗10-13分鐘。
5. 放涼架放涼,用一個及一個小的曲奇模,各自壓4個圓形蛋糕片。


1. 魚膠片用凍水浸軟。
2. 可可隔熱水煮溶,加入22Gg淡忌廉及瀝乾的魚膠片,拌勻,待涼約40度。
3. 加入打發忌廉拌勻。


1. 可可隔熱水煮溶,快速加入脆脆及nutella 攪勻。


1. 大塊蛋糕片,用刀抺上脆脆。
2. 小塊蛋糕片,用刀抺上紅苺醬。
3. 用匙將朱古力慕斯塗抺在模上,先放小蛋糕片,用手壓一壓令蛋糕片平放及壓出多餘空氣,再放朱古力慕斯,最後放大塊蛋糕片壓一壓。
4. 用保鮮紙包好,放冰隔雪2小時。


1. 魚膠片用凍水浸軟。
2. 可可粉先過篩,加入砂糖,水及淡忌廉拌勻,煮熱至砂糖及可可粉溶,加入瀝乾的魚膠片拌勻。
3. 鏡面待涼至稠身及緩緩慢動的狀態,倒在已脫模的蛋糕上。
4. 輕手撒上杏仁粒及放上金箔。

2014年2月20日 星期四

Fruit Yogurt with handmade granola 鮮果乳酪燕麥杯



  • 鮮果 適量
  • 乳酪 兩杯
  • 燕麥片 (大塊而不是即溶那種)  35g
  • 椰絲 10g
  • 牛油液/植物油 1/2 湯匙
  • 果仁碎 10g
  • 紅糖/黑糖 10g
  • 蜂蜜 1/2 湯匙
  • 肉桂粉 少許或可不放
  • 鹽 少許
  • 提子乾或乾果 20g
1. 除提子乾外,將所有材料放入大碗內攪拌。
2. 平均放在鋪有牛油紙的烤盤上,放入預熱175度的焗爐焗5-7分鐘至金黃色,如果做的分量多可以多烤一會。
3. 取出待涼,加入提子乾。
4. 底層先鋪水果再放乳酪,取後放燕麥。

2 Cups

  • Fruits put as much as you like
  • Yogurt 2 cups
Homemade granola
  • Rolled oats  35g
  • Shredded coconut 10g
  • Vegetable oil/melted butter 1/2 tablespoon
  • Nuts 10g
  • Brown sugar 10g
  • Honey 1/2 tablespoon
  • Cinnamon little or skip
  • Salt little
  • Raisin or dried fruit 20g
1. Except raisin, put everything into the bowl and mix.
2. Even spread on the baking tray with parchment paper on the top, put it into the preheated 175 degree oven for 5-7 minutes or until golden brown in color. If you make a bigger proportion, you have to bake more time.
3. Take out from the oven and let it cool and add raisin.
4. Put fruits at the bottom and then yogurt and finally granola.

2014年2月18日 星期二

Rocher coco 椰子岩

在不久之前我先發現原來這個世界有人如此討厭椰絲,對於一個對食物基乎沒有任何偏食習慣的我覺得很吃驚。椰絲很香,質感又特別,爲什麼不愛? 如果你喜歡椰絲就會很喜歡這個小吃,但如果有一日你發現你有一個討厭椰絲的人得罪了你,你都可以用這個孝敬他!


約40 個
  • 蛋白 80g 約兩隻
  • 砂糖 80g (已減糖)
  • 椰絲 137g 

1. 先製作瑞士蛋白霜  。
2. 加入一半的椰絲,用刮刀混合。
3. 加入另一半的椰絲,要輕力,不要弄破氣泡,稍混合就可以。
4. 入唧袋,在牛油紙上唧出約2-3cm 的大小。
5. 放入預熱220度的焗爐約5分鐘或表面微金黃色。
6. 待椰子岩稍涼數分鐘才移離牛油紙。將放涼而吃不完的就放入密實盒。

Around 40
  • Egg white 80g around 2 eggs
  • Sugar 80g (reduced sugar amount)
  • Shredded coconut 137g 
1. Prepare the Swiss meringue  .
2. Add half of the shredded coconut, use spatula and mix. 
3. Add the rest of the shredded coconut, mix gently. 
4. Put it into the pipping bag and pipe around 2-3cm diameter balls on the parchment paper. 
5. Put it into a preheated 220 degree oven for around 5 minutes or until it turns slightly golden color.
6. Remove the rocher coco from the parchment paper after it cools down for a few minutes and put all those cooled rocher coco into a sealed box. 

Swiss meringue 瑞士蛋白霜


  • 蛋白 
  • 砂糖 
1. 將蛋白放進攪拌盤內,用打蛋器或電動攪拌器打發。
2. 將1/3 砂糖加入蛋白混合。
3. 將剩餘的砂糖分兩次加入蛋白內混合。
4. 等蛋白和砂糖混合好後,就隔熱水加熱一邊打發,一直打發至可以拉出立體狀。
5. 停止隔水加熱,繼續打發至完全冷郤,及蛋白霜挺立。

  • Egg white
  • Sugar 
1. Put the egg white into a bowl and use a mixer to mix. 
2. Add 1/3 of sugar to white egg and mix.  
3. Add the remaining sugar by two times and beat. 
4. Continue to beat in bain marie until soft peak. 
5. Remove from bain marie and continue to beat until firm peak. 

2014年2月17日 星期一

Banana and Mango Mille feuille 香蕉芒果千層酥


材料: 8 件

  • 香蕉 36g
  • 芒果蓉 56g
  • 熱情果蓉 7g (大約1個熱情果的汁)
  • 砂糖 8g
  • 魚膠片 3g
  • 淡忌廉 76g


1. 酥皮用叉子刺小洞,一塊酥皮可以切12塊,或可以按自己喜歡的大小,蓋上牛油紙,在另一個焗盤壓住可以令酥皮不會升得太高而且表面平滑,放入預熱200度的焗爐焗20分鐘。
2. 取出,平均地用篩上糖粉。將焗爐放焗爐頂層以250度焗約2-3分鐘至表面焦糖色。


1. 芒果蓉,熱情果蓉及香蕉用攪拌至蓉及混合。
2. 魚膠片用凍水浸軟。
3. 果蓉加入砂糖及澀乾魚膠片煮至砂糖及魚膠片溶,待涼雪櫃雪30分鐘。
4. 打起淡忌廉。
5. 混合果蓉及淡忌廉。


1. 將果蓉忌廉入唧袋,唧在千層酥上,再叠上一塊餅如上圖。

Ingredients: 8 pieces

Banana mango cream
  • Banana 36g
  • Mango puree 56g
  • Passion fruit juice  7g (around 1 passion fruit)
  • Sugar 8g
  • Gelatine 3g
  • Cream 76g
Puff Pastry direction

1. Use a frok to make some holes on the puff pastry. Each pastry can cut into 12 pieces or any size you like. Cover the peices with parchment paper. Put another baking tray on top of the parchment paper so that the pastry will not rise too much. Put it into a preheated 200 degree oven for 20 mintues.
2. Take it out, sift icing sugar evenly on the pastry. Put it back into the oven and bake with 250 degree for around 2-3 minutes until it looks like caramel color.

Banana mango cream direction

1. Mix all mango puree, passion fruit juice and banana into a mixer until everything is blended.
2. Soak gelatine into the ice water until it is soft.
3. Add sugar and dried gelatine to the fruit puree and heat until everything is dissolved. Let it cool until and chill in the fridge for 30 mintues.
4. Beat the cream until firm peak.
5. Mix the fruit puree and the cream.


1. Pipe the cream on the pastry like the one in the picture above.

2014年2月15日 星期六

Scone 英式鬆餅


材料: 可以做6-8個 (取出小山進的好吃的西點蛋糕祕訣)

  • 低筋麵粉 160g
  • 泡打粉 4g
  • 奶粉 10g
  • 牛油 65g
  • 淡忌廉 10ml
  • 黃糖或黑糖 16g (如果沒有就用砂糖)
  • 砂糖 16g
  • 蛋 1 隻
  • 牛奶 10ml
  • 鹽 1.5g
  • vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon 
  • 提子乾 40g
  • 蛋液 少許

1. 筋麵粉過篩,加入泡打粉及奶粉混合。
2. 牛油從雪櫃取出切粒。
3. 用手指尖將牛油粒及粉類捽碎至麵包糠狀,動作要快,因爲牛油很快溶,尤其是夏天。
4. 將其餘所有材料加入,快速搓成一團,可以用手或者括刀,但不要過度搓壓。

5. 用保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃雪15-20分鐘。
6. 加少許麵粉在工作枱及麵團上,用木棍壓成約2cm厚,用圓形的工具幫忙(水杯也可以)壓成一個一個圓餅。
7. 沾上蛋液,放入預熱175度焗爐焗15-20分鐘。

Ingredients: 6-8 pieces (from the book of 小山進的好吃的西點蛋糕祕訣)

I have amended the recipe and direction a little bit
  • Cake flour 160g
  • Baking powder 4g
  • Milk powder 10g
  • Butter 65g
  • Cream 10ml
  • Brown sugar 16g (If you do not have brown sugar, just replace with sugar)
  • Sugar 16g
  • Egg 1 隻
  • Milk 10ml
  • Salt 1.5g
  • vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon 
  • Raisin 40g
  • Egg little
1.  Sifted cake flour and add baking and milk powder and mix.
2. Take out the butter from the fridge and cut the butter into cubes.
3. Use your finger tips to rub the butter cubes and flour until it looks like crumbles. Need to be quick on this step otherwise the butter will melt especially in summer.
4. Add all the remaining ingredients and rub into a dough. You could use your hands or use a spatula but do not over rub / mix the dough like a bread.
5. Cover with plastic cling and chill in the fridge for 15-20 minutes.
6. Add a bit flour on your work surface and the dough, use rolling pin to roll the dough to around 2cm thick. Cut a circle  with a anything which is circle in shape e.g. a glass.
7. Brush some egg on the scone and put it into a preheated 175 oven for 15-20 minutes.

2014年2月13日 星期四

Sweet potato rose bun 紫薯玫瑰卷


材料: 20個包子
  • 紫薯 150g
  • 水/ 牛奶 80g
  • 蜜糖 10g
  • 速發酵母 3g
  • 中筋麵粉 300g (可以用一半高筋一半低筋麵粉)
  • 砂糖 20g (因爲這個爲饅頭,所以甜度不高,如果想較甜可以放多少少砂糖)

1. 紫薯切粒蒸熟。

2. 速發酵母加水及砂糖混合。

3. 中筋麵粉加入蜜糖,紫薯,中筋麵粉及一半的水搓。由於每個紫薯的水份也不一樣,80g是我這次的水量。如果加了一半水覺得乾才加水,如果80g 水用完加不夠先再加水,要慢慢加。搓至一個光滑而柔軟的麵團。

4. 表面噴少許水或用濕布蓋住發酵至2倍大。夏天做的時候可以在室温發酵,冬天時就將麵團放入微波爐或者焗爐加一杯熱水發酵,要1-2小時。

5. 將麵壓平,壓出空氣,分8份,先取出一條搓成10cm 長的長條,其餘的用濕毛巾蓋住。

6. 將長條分大約5份,每一份壓平爲一個圓形,個人覺得不需要太大,大約5-6cm 直徑可以。每塊沾上少少麵粉以防花瓣間黏住令造型不明顯。5塊由下而上叠起。上而下都可以但造型有少許不一樣。

7. 用筷子向中間壓,一邊轉麵團一路壓至分開兩朵花。用筷子壓的好處是可以令花的底部收口更好。

8. 將其餘的麵團按以上方法再做成玫瑰花。

9. 蒸底部掃少少油又或者鋪牛油紙防黏底,用一塊毛巾蓋住以防倒汗水,開大火蒸15分鐘。

Ingredients: for 20
  • Purple sweet potato 150g
  • Water/milk 80g
  • Honey 10g
  • Instant yeast 3g
  • All purpose flour 300g
  • Sugar 20g (The sweetness of this chinese bun is used to be rather low but you could add more sugar if you want more sweetness.)
1. Cut the sweet potato into peices and steam until it is cooked.

2. Mix instant yeast with water and sugar.

3. Add honey, sweet potato, and half of the water into the flour and rub until it forms a soft dough. Since the water content in each sweet potato is different, you have to add water slowly and rub to get your optimal water needed. I used 80g water this time.

4. Spread some water on the dough surface or cover it with a wet towel. If you do it in summer, you could let it raise in the room temperature. However, you have to put this into a microwave or oven with a cup of hot water to frementate until it double in size. It takes around 1-2 hours.

5. Flatten the dough and relase the air inside. Cut it into 8 pieces. Take one out and roll it until it is around 10cm long. Cover the rest with a wet towel.

6. Cut the roll into 5 peices and each flatten into a 5-6 cm diamemter circle. Spread some flour on each circle so that it will not stick to each other when u roll it. Five circles roll from the bottom to the top. You can do the opposite if you like and the shape will be a bit different.

7. Use a chopstick to press in the middle, use one hand to roll the dough and the other hand to press until it separates into two halves. The bottom part of the rose bun will look prettier if you use a chopstick rather than a knife.

8. Repeat the above steps for the rest of the doughs.

9. Brush little oil on the steam mould or you put parchment paper inside to prvent the bun stick to the mould. Cover it with a towel to prevent the steam drop to the rose bun and affact the appearance. Steam for 15 minutes with high heat.

2014年2月12日 星期三

Mocha meltesers glutinous rice balls Mocha 麥提沙糯米糍


材料: (可以做10個)

  • 糯米粉 75g
  • 砂糖 30g
  • 無糖可可粉 2茶匙
  • 咖啡粉 1茶匙 (可以用其他你喜歡的粉,例如全用綠茶粉,好立克粉,阿華田粉代替,但如果即冲飲品本身有糖粉,砂糖可能要相應減少一點)
  • 牛奶 100ml
  • 淡忌廉/椰奶 30ml
  • 麥提莎 10粒
  • 椰絲 適量


1. 糯米粉,砂糖,可可粉及咖啡粉混合,慢慢加入牛奶及忌廉,一直攪拌至所有材料沒有粉粒。

2. 倒入碟內,用中火蒸約15分鐘至熟。如果份量做多,要蒸的時間要加長。可以用牙籤測驗,如果插入取出沒有粉粒黏位牙籤就可以。

3. 放涼約15-20分鐘。將麵團放入保鮮袋中搓幾下成一團,不會黏袋。

4. 每粒大約18g,戴手套,將每粒壓平加入一粒麥提莎,搓成一粒圓形。個人覺得不需要太圓,如果你很堅持想要搓得很圓,可以用紙巾抺一點點油在手套上,令糯米團可以搓得更圓。

5. 沾上椰絲。除非天氣太熱,否則可以放室温。

Ingredietns: (for 10 balls)

  • Glutinous rice flour 75g
  • Sugar 30g
  • Coco powder 2 teaspoon
  • coffee powder 1 teaspoon (You could use your favourite powder, e.g. you can all use green tea, holick or even ovaltine powder. If the powder itself contains sugar, you may need to reduce the sugar as needed.)
  • Milk 100ml
  • Cream/coconut milk 30ml
  • Meltesers 10
  • Shredded coconut little

1. Mix glutinous rice flour, sugar, coco and coffee powder, add milk and cream slowly and incorperate until well combined.

2. Pour into the plate and steam for 15 minutes. If you do a bigger portion and you need to incream the steaming time. You could test by a toothpick. Put the toothpick inside the mixture and take it out. If there is nothing sticked to the toothpick, it is cooked.

3. Cool down for 15-20 mintues. Put the mixture into a plastic bag and rub a few times into a dough.

4. Each ball will be around 18g. Wear plastic hand gloves, press each ball to a flat circle and put a meleser in the middle and rub it into a ball. Personally, I think it doesn't need to be too round but you could use a tissue paper to spread little oil on your plastic hand gloves and rub and you would get a perfect ball.

5. Cover it with shredded coconut. Unless it is too hot, otherwise you don't have to put into the fridge.

2014年2月11日 星期二

Brown sugar raisin loaf 中種法黑糖提子吐司

前幾天去了小S老公香港開的胖逹人麵包店,說老實它的麵包真的很輕軟,即使一個麵包賣30-40元也很好生意。當然我明白商業的麵包一定無可避免地加了添加劑等控制質量,但至少它的包沒有太大吃空氣的感覺,很多時候在麵包店買到的包,一個看似也不少,但一咬下去就覺得自己好像吃了一大口空氣,從麵包被咬過的痕跡看到麵包可以被壓得很扁,吃下去的感覺沒有雙眼所看到的份量。Anyways, 如果大家有興趣自己做,其實都可以在沒有添加劑的情況下一樣做到鬆軟的麵包,喜愛麵包的你一定要試這個方法。



  • 牛奶/水 120ml 
  • 高筋麵粉 210g
  • 速發酵母 2g 
  • 鹽 3g 

  • 高筋麵粉 90g 
  • 牛奶/水 84ml 
  • 速發酵母 1g 
  • 鹽 3g 
  • 黑糖 30g 
  • 牛油 21g 
  • 提子 

1. 將所有材料攪拌成團,不用狂打起根,放雪櫃雪17小時或以上。


1. 除牛油外,將所有材料倒入電動攪拌器(保留約30ml 液體後加),先用低速打約2-3分鐘至沒有粉粒,再用中速打2-3分鐘成一個完整的麵團,中途慢慢加入保留的水,每次加水時要先轉低速攪拌再轉中速打,一路加水打至麵團十分柔軟。

2. 加入牛油,先用低速打1-2分鐘,待牛油跟麵團融合後,分數次加入中種麵團,再轉中速打成有薄膜而不破爛的麵團,打25-35分鐘,中途要不時停機將黏在勾上的麵團刮下來再攪拌。時間每人都不同,重要的是形成薄膜,最後加入乾果。

3. 取出麵團滾圓底部向下,放置在抺上少許油的大盆中進行第一次發酵,蓋上保鮮紙,防止麵團表面吹乾,保持發酵的温度在28度左右。如果是夏天可以放在温室發酵,但如果冬天發酵就要放入微波爐加一杯暖水,令麵團保持在一個温暖的環境下發酵,如果水涼了就換另一杯取代。發酵時間大概1-1.5小時,發至原本麵團的2倍大。

4. 用手指測驗麵團,手指沾高筋麵粉,將手指插入麵團的中間,約數cm 的深度,如果沒有馬上彈回就代表可以。如果彈回就需要再發酵。

5. 取出麵團,桌上撒些高筋麵粉,麵團表面也撒少少,用手壓出大氣泡,磅重量,平均分兩份,各自滾圓,蓋上保鮮紙靜置15分鐘。

6. 壓平麵團成長方形捲起,蓋上保鮮紙靜置15分鐘。

7. 第二次壓平麵團成長方形捲起,寛度跟麵包箱的寛度相約,放入麵包箱中進行第二次發酵,同樣,如果冬天需要放在微波爐內加一杯熱水,發到8分满,約1-1.5小時。

8. 放入預熱200度的焗爐焗40分鐘。

9. 取出,連麵包模離枱敲在工作枱上,扣倒出麵包放涼切片。


Sponge dough: 

  • Milk /water 120ml 
  • Bread flour 210g
  • Yeast 2g 
  • Salt 3g 
Main dough: 

  • Bread flour 90g 
  • Milk/ water 84ml 
  • Yeast 1g 
  • Brown sugar 30g 
  • Butter 21g 
  • Raisin  
Sponge dough Direction: 

1. Use all the ingredients to a dough but dont need to knead too hard. Put it into fridge for 17 hours or above.

Main dough Direction: 

You could refer to this if you have to use hand to knead

1. Except butter, put all ingredients into the mixing machine(keep 20-30ml of liquid for the later stage). Use a low speed to mix for 2-3 minutes until everything is combined. Add the sponge dough and mix. Use the medium speed to mix for 2-3 minutes until it forms a dough. During this process, add the remaining water slowly. Every time when u add water, turn to low speed first and turn to medium speed only after the water is well combined with the dough. Beat until the dough is very soft and smooth.

2. Add butter, use the low speed again and wait around 1-2 minutes until it is incorporated with the dough. Use the medium speed to beat the dough for around 25-35 minutes until the thin sheet is formed without breaking. While the machine is beating the dough, you have to stop the machine and clean the hook from time to time so that all the mixture is evenly kneaded. The key is to form the thin sheet.

3. Remove the dough from the machine, put it into a light buttered bowl and let it rise in warm place around 28 degree. Cover the dough by a plastic cling to avoid forming dry skin. If it is summer, you could let the bowl to sit in the room temperature. If it is winter, you need to put that into the microwave with a cup of hot water next to it to provide a warm and moist environment. If the hot water becomes cool, replace by another one. Let the dough to rise around 1- 1.5 hour or it doubles in size.

4. Use your finger to test the dough, stick your finger with some bread flour and put it into the dough around several cm depth. If the dough does not bounce back, it means ok. If the dough is very elastic and bounce back, then you have to let it rise for some more time.

5. Remove the dough from the bowl. Spread little bread flour on your working desk and some onto the dough. Use your hand to flatten the dough so that the big air bubbles inside could be released. Put the dough on the scale and evenly separate into two halves. Rub the doughs into ball shape and cover them with plastic cling and let it cool for 15 minutes.

6. Roll the doughs into rectangular shape and fold the dough and roll and let it cool with plastic cling covered for another 15 minutes.

7. Roll the doughs again into rectangular shape and fold the dough and roll with width slightly less than your bread baking mold. Put the doughs into the mold and put it into the microwave for the second time. Same as the first time, you have to put a cup of hot water inside if this is winter until the dough rise to nearly 80% of the mold.

8. Put it into a preheated 175 degree oven for 30 minutes.

9. Remove from oven, tap the bread together with the mold on the working surface. Remove the bread from the mold and let it cool and cut into slices.

2014年2月9日 星期日

Palmiers 蝴蝶酥


18 件
  • 急凍酥皮 24 x 24cm (超級市場有售,Pampas puff pastry 就是這個size)  或自製酥皮 (放軟解凍至可以摺)
  • 砂糖 4 湯匙
  • 牛油 適量

1. 將一半的砂糖平均撒在酥皮上,再反轉,用匙輕輕壓平,將另一半的砂糖再平均撒在酥皮上。
2. 兩邊向內摺1/4,再向內摺,中間留少許空隙約0.3-0.5cm ,再對摺,用保鮮紙或酥皮原先附有的膠紙包好,放雪櫃雪15分鐘。
3. 牛油隔熱水煮溶。
4. 從雪櫃取出麵團,切件,每件約1-1.5 cm 濶。
5. 每件的頂部稍稍分開,兩邊掃上牛油液,入焗爐200度焗約20分鐘,最後的5-8分鐘反面焗令兩邊都現金黃色。 

18 pieces
  • Puff pastry 24 x 24cm or use your own  (take out from the fridge until it is soft to use)
  • Sugar 4 tablespoons
  • Butter little
1. Spread half of the sugar on the pastry and turn upside down and use a spoon to press gently so that the sugar is stick to the pastry. Spread another half of the sugar on the other side.
2. Fold 1/4 inside, and then fold another 1/4, leave a small gap in the middle and fold together. Cover with plastic cling and chill in the fridge for 15 minutes so that the pastry can stick together. 
3. Melt the butter in bain marie. 
4. Take the pastry from the fridge and cut into 1-1.5cm width pieces. 
5. Each palmier top should be open like those in the picture. Brush the both side of the palmiers with butter. Put into a preheated 200 degree oven for 20 minutes. In the last 5-8 minutes, turn the palmiers upside down so the both sides are golden brown in colour.  

French puff pastry 法式千層酥

出自Layers baking with Gregoire Michaud 一書

可以做一塊約25x 25cm



  • 低筋麵粉 100g
  • 牛油 20g
  • 鹽 3g
  • 水 45g

  • 牛油 75g
  • 低筋麵粉 22g



1. 油酥材料合成柔滑狀,沒有結塊,做成約1 cm 厚的長方形。
2. 混合水油麵團,搓成有彈成的麵團,用保鮮紙包好。
3. 油酥及水油麵團放雪櫃鬆筋1小時。
4. 水油麵團壓平面績約油酥的兩倍大,油酥放中間,將另一邊的水油麵團摺過來,蓋在油酥上,四周包好。
5. 做2 次單覆摺,在雪箱鬆筋30分鐘,再做1次單覆摺。
6. 麵團在使用前放雪櫃內鬆筋1小時。
7. 壓平用。

1. 不建議夏天做千層酥,因爲天氣太熱牛油會溶得很快,令水皮爆皮,以致難以用麵棍壓成一層層的水皮及油皮的麵團。
2. 牛油皮及水皮要冷藏至相同的温度令壓麵團壓出一致性。 3. 見到有牛油溶的時候就放入雪櫃雪一段時間再取出壓,視乎情況,15-30分鐘不等。

can do 25 x 25 cm

  • Cake flour 100g
  • Butter 20g
  • Salt 3g
  • Water 45g
  • Butter 75g
  • Cake flour 22g
Method is a bit different from the book


1. Mix all the ingredients in beurrage and form a 1cm thick square, covered with plastic cling.
2. Mix all the ingredients in detrempe and rub into a dough and cover with plastic cling.
3. Detrempe and beurrage chill in the fridge for 1 hour.
4. Roll the dough on the table with size double of the beurrage, put the beurrage on top and fold the other size of the dough and cover the beurrage. Make sure the beurrage is sealed by the dough.
5. Do two single flow and release in the fridge for 30 minutes. And do another single flow.
6. Release the pastry into the fridge for 1 hour before use.
7. Flatten the dough as puff pastry sheet.

2014年2月7日 星期五

Apple crumble 蘋果金寶

一口凍雪糕,一口熱apple crumble ,甜甜酸酸,3個步驟就做好,爲晚餐畫了一個完美的句號。




  • 蘋果 1個 (我用青蘋果,喜歡它的酸)
  • 牛油 ½ 茶匙 
  • 黃糖/黑糖 1.5-2湯匙 或按個人甜度 
  • 肉桂粉 1/8茶匙或可不放 
  • 提子乾/乾果 少許或可不放 

  • 低筋麵粉/普通麵粉 25g 
  • 牛油 25g (切粒,從雪櫃取出要即用) 
  • 砂糖 20g 
  • 果仁碎+即食麥片 10g (按個人口味,可以不加)


1. 蘋果切粒,加入牛油及糖煮軟,5-10分鐘。


1. 麵粉,牛油粒,砂糖,即食麥片等用手指尖快速搓成粒粒狀,牛油要凍,動作要快。
2. 將蘋果粒放入模中,金寶蓋面再加上果仁粒,放入預熱175度焗爐焗15-20分鐘。

Ingredients for two
Apple filling

  • Apple 1 (I like to use the green apple)
  • Butter 1/2 teaspoon 
  • Sugar/ brown sugar 1.5-2 tablespoon or adjust according to your sweetness
  • Cinnamon  1/8 teaspoon
  • Raisin little or you can skip if you don't like

  • Cake flour/ multi purpose flour 25g 
  • Butter 25g (cut into cubes and you have to use immediately when u take out from the fridge ) 
  • Sugar 20g 
  • Nuts + cereal 10g 
Apple filling

1. Cut the apple into cubes and put butter and sugar together and cook until the apple is soft. It takes around 5-10 minutes.


1. Put flour, butter, sugar and cereal into a bowl and use finger tips to rub everything together so that it becomes crumble like. Butter needs to be cold and you have to finish it quickly.
2. Put the apple fillings into the mould with crumble and nuts on the top and put it into preheated 175 degree oven for 15-20 minutes. 

2014年2月5日 星期三

Chocolate truffles松露軟心朱古力

情人節又點少得朱古力! 只要4樣材料就可以親手做朱古力送給你的朋友,家人及愛人。


•朱古力 70g (兩包lindt 朱古力 70% 可可, 如果不喜歡吃太苦可以選擇較低可可%)
•淡忌廉 35g
•牛油 7g
•可可粉/綠茶粉/果仁 適量

2.淡忌廉隔熱水加熱, 加入朱古力碎,當朱古力半溶熄火,用快子快速混合忌廉及朱古力。

Ingredients:8 balls

•Chocolate 70g (Two Lindt 70% chocolate, you don't like bitter chocolate, you could choose those with lower cocoa content) 
•Cream 35g
•Butter 7g
•coco / green tea powder / nuts / coconut crisp little 

1.Chop the chocolate into small pieces。

2.Heat the cream with bain marie, add chocolate. Turn off the heat when the chocolate is half melt. Use a chopstick to stir quickly so that the mixture is smooth.

3.Add butter to the chocolate and mix.

4.Cover it with plastic cling when it cools down a bit. The plastic cling needs to tightly stick to the chocolate. Chill in the fridge for 1 hour or until it hardens.

5.Wear the plastic gloves and rub the chocolate in to a ball, cover it with coco powder, green powder, nuts crisp or cocnut crips etc or anything you like. Make 8 balls and put it back into the fridge and chill.

2014年2月4日 星期二

Creme caramel 焦糖布丁(不用焗爐)


材料: (二人份量)

  • 細砂糖 3茶匙
  • 水 1茶匙
    • 蛋 1隻 (約55g)
    • 牛奶  兩倍雞蛋重量 (約110g)
    • 細砂糖 2湯匙 (28g)

    1. 首先煮焦糖,將砂糖和水放入不黏鍋中混合。
    2. 開小至中火煮糖,中途不要攪拌,當焦糖變爲啡黃色就成功了,把煮好的焦糖液倒進抺有少許牛油的杯內(塗牛油方便倒出布丁而不黏杯)。
    3. 砂糖跟雞蛋用打蛋器混合至沒有砂糖粒,加入牛奶混合,過篩及去除氣泡,再把蛋漿倒在杯內。


    4. 將雞蛋布丁用錫紙蓋住依圖隔水用中火蒸40-45分鐘,完成的布丁應該如蒸水蛋般而沒有水狀流動,可以熱食或待涼後放進冰箱冷藏。(錫紙可以防止倒汗水,用木筷子隔開蓋可以令熱空氣流出) 


    Ingredients: ( for two)

    Caramel sauce
    • sugar 3 teaspoons
    • water 1 teaspoon
    sugar to water = 3:1
      Egg mixture
      • egg 1 (around 55g)
      • milk  two times of the egg (110g)
      • sugar 2 tablespoons (28g)
      sugar: egg: milk = 0.5:1:2, you could remember the formula and adjust as you need.

      1. Cook the caramel sauce first, put the sugar and water into a small non sticky pot and mix well.

      2. Heat until it turns golden brown color and do not stir when it is heating. Pour the caramel into 2 small lightly buttered cups. (Butter is helped to release the pudding from the cup easier).

      3. Mix the sugar with egg until the sugar is dissovled. Add milk and mix. Use a sieve and filter the mixture so that it becomes smooth. Pour it into the cups.

      4. Use aluminum cling to cover the cups to ensure a smooth surface. Use a pair of chopstick to separate the wok and the lid to allow hot air to release. Steam for 40-45 minutes and it shouldnt look watery when it is done. You can serve hot or chil in the fridge if you like cold.

      *It is very simple to clean the caramel pot, pour some hot water into the pot and let it there for a while. All the caramel will dissolve in the hot water.