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sugarlicious recipe
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sugarlicious recipe
Chilled & Chocolat
Banana oreo ice cream 香蕉oreo 雪糕
Brownie 布朗尼
Crème brûlée 法式焦糖燉蛋
Creme caramel 焦糖布丁(不用焗爐)
Chocolate truffles松露軟心朱古力
Extraodinarily chocolate Tart 朱古力撻
Ice skin mooncake 冰皮月餅
Panna cotta 意式奶凍
Pierre Herme moist and nutty brownie 布朗尼
Cookies & Tarte
Almond tuiles 杏仁瓦片
Apple crumble 蘋果金寶
Banana and Mango Mille feuille 香蕉芒果千層酥
Butter cookies 牛油曲奇
Chinese peacan cookies 合桃酥
Chewy and nutty nutella cookies 榛子果仁軟曲奇
Coffee macaron 咖啡馬卡龍
Cranberries icebox cookie 紅莓牛油曲奇
Dried cranberries Nougat 紅莓乾鳥結糖
Eclairs 閃電泡芙
Florentis 焦糖杏仁酥餅
Hong Kong style egg tart 港式蛋撻
Lebkuchenherzen / gingerbread heart 德式薑餅
Mont blanc 蒙布朗
Passion fruit macaron 熱情果朱古力馬卡龍
Palmiers 蝴蝶酥
Pâte à choux 吉士泡芙
Pâte à Choux with Streusel 脆皮泡芙
Lemon Macaron - Pierre Hermes Recipe 檸檬馬卡龍
Religieuse 修女泡芙
Rocher coco 椰子岩
Scone 英式鬆餅
Strawberry Tart 士多啤梨撻
Sweet potato snowball cookie 紫薯雪球曲奇
Tart aux pommes classique 蘋果批
Tarte au Citron 檸檬批
Viennese Chocolate Sable 維也納巧克力酥餅
Baikiman cake 細菌小子蛋糕
Banana cake 香蕉蛋糕
Blueberry cheesecake 藍莓芝士凍餅
Chocolate cupcake with blueberry cream cheese frosting 藍莓忌廉芝士朱古力杯子蛋糕
Coffee and Caramel Entremets (Hidemi Sugino's recipe) 咖啡焦糖蛋糕
Coffee chiffon cake 咖啡雪芳蛋糕
Crunch cake 焦糖脆脆天使蛋糕
Crunchy Chocolate Raspberry Cakes 紅苺醬朱古力脆脆蛋糕
Earl grey tea pound cake 伯爵茶磅蛋糕
Easter chicken cakepop 復活節小雞cakepop
Green tea cake roll 綠茶卷
Honey Cake 蜂蜜蛋糕
Japanese cheesecake 日式芝士蛋糕
Japanese strawberry shortcake 日式草莓蛋糕
Koyama Roll 小山蛋糕捲
lemon cake 檸檬牛油蛋糕 (沒有泡打粉)
Lemon cupcake with lemon crub filling and creamcheese frosting 檸檬杯子蛋糕
Lemon Lamington 檸檬林明頓
Madeleines 瑪德蓮小蛋糕
Molten chocolate cake 心太軟
Opera Cake 歌劇院蛋糕
Opera Cake 歌劇院蛋糕 (second time)
Orange and lime Quatre-Quarts 青檸橙皮磅蛋糕
Original tiramisu 提拉米蘇
Papa Madeleine 小山進的papa 鬆糕
Passionfruit and banana souffle 熱情果香蕉梳乎厘
Passion fruit Bavarois cake 熱情果巴伐利亞蛋糕
Red bean buttercream green tea cupcake 紅豆奶油霜綠茶杯子蛋糕
Raspberry chiffon cake 紅桑莓戚風蛋糕
Roll cake 蛋糕卷
Roll cake 蛋糕卷 (second)
Sakura and tofu cheesecake 櫻花豆腐芝士蛋糕
Begal 貝果
Brown sugar raisin loaf 中種法黑糖提子吐司
Custard Bun 吉士忌廉麵包
Green tea and red bean paste bun 綠茶紅豆捲
Hong Kong Style pineapple bun 湯種菠蘿包
Hong Kong Style sausage bun港式腸仔包
Potato bread with cheese 馬鈴薯煙肉芝士法國麵包
Sweet potato rose bun 紫薯玫瑰卷
Tuna Bun (Sponge-Dough Method ) 吞拿魚包 (中種法)
Wubaochun Milk Loaf 吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司
Bread pudding 麵包布丁
Chinese new year coconut cake 鮮椰汁年糕
Chinese Turnip cake 大根蘿蔔糕
French Toast 法式多士
Japanese Rice cake 日式艾草餅
Mocha meltesers glutinous rice balls Mocha 麥提沙糯米糍
Pancake 班戟
Taro balls 芋圓
Warabimochi 蕨餅
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